"The ALL Species Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to the complete inventory of all species of life on Earth within the next 25 years - a human generation. "
American Institute of Physics:Science
Reports sorted by title This
site gives some good answers to your questions
Animals4ever World's
most interactive Zoological site made by and for you.: Animals4ever is
a non profit organisation with the aim to promote natural sciences and the
"first arts". Its main goal is to fill the gap between the scientific
community and the public. Providing tools for both of them, such as this
website, is one of its topics. Animals4ever is based in Belgium.
Animal Omnibus: “While
searching the web for animal information, we realized that a child looking
for an animal might have a hard time finding it. The Animal Omnibus is a list
of web sources indexed by the name of the animal…” Brought to you by the Birmingham
Zoo Animal sights, sounds and even Teacher’s Lesson Plans in Science
Arctic Science Journeys: 1999 Radio Transcripts of these expeditions.
Nye the Science Guy: Science
goodies, Ask Bill, Teacher’s lounge, Online labs and much more.
Biological Sciences Database - Marine Biology: "The DELTA Collaborative Multimedia Database Project is designed to provide faculty and students with access to a rich diversity of digital instructional materials (DIM) for self study and for use by faculty in developing courseware and electronic presentations for instructional purposes. "
Learning Center -
Online Science Courses: Online courses in fish biology, fish ecology, marine
ecology, coral reefs, dolphins, and more.
in Krill and Other Deep Sea Creatures for Kids! "We
can derive a basic understanding of the word bioluminescence by
breaking it down into two parts. Bio refers to a living thing
while luminescence is an emission of light...."
Birdwatching.Com - About Wild Birds and Birding. FAQs, Resources,Video clips, Stories, Software, Online Store and much more
Darwin Research Station - Galapagos: This is the homepage of the Charles
Darwin Research Station, located in the Galapagos Archipelago. Read papers
about ongoing research at the station. Or you can learn about ongoing conservation
projects for the giant tortoise, land iguanas, and the dark-rumped petrel.
Cladistics: A method of classification of animals and plants on the basis of those shared derived characteristics that were not present in their distant ancestors (synapomorphies) which are assumed to indicate common ancestry. It uses strict monophyly as the only criterion for grouping related species.
The Cretaceous Extinction: ... included planktonic foraminifera, calcareous nannoplankton, diatoms, dinoflagellates, brachiopods, molluscs, echinoids, and fish. …”Following the Permian mass extinction, life was abundant but there was a low diversity of species. However, through the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous, major faunal radiations resulted in a large number of new species and forms. New terrestrial fauna that made their first appearance in the Triassic included the dinosaurs, mammals, pterosaurs (flying reptiles), amphibians (including frogs and turtles). In addition, the first birds appeared in the Jurassic. Among the terrestrial flora, the gymnosperms of the Permian remained dominant until the evolution of the angiosperms (flowering plants) in the Cretaceous. In the Cretaceous there was also major radiations occurring in several established groups including the marine reptiles, rudist bivalves, ammonoids, belemnoids, and scleractinian corals. Bivalves, and brachiopods. Marine groups that were present but did not undergo major evolutionary expansion in the period included the gastropods,bryozoans, crinoids, sea urchins, and sponges http://park.org/Canada/Museum/extinction/cretmass.html
DEEP-SEA Pages: Paul H. Yancey, Ph.D.: "These pages contain pictures, links and information on deep sea habitats and animals, with details on our studies."
Discovery.com:- Offers
real-life non-fiction entertainment covering nature, science and technology,
history, and world exploration.
The DEEPSEA Research Newsgroup exists to serve as an electronic forum for the world's community of deep-sea and hydrothermal vent/seep biologists, oceanographers, and geologists. Frequent uses of DEEPSEA include searches for specialist literature or opinion, specimen exchange, technical discussions, and general discussions about deep-sea marine biology and geology. As of December 1995, DEEPSEA had over 600 members representing more than 35 countries.
Earth Island Institute: "Welcome to Earth Island's home on the web. This site provides in-depth information and resources from our project network, award-winning journalism from the Earth Island Journal, and tools to address the environmental challenges we face."
Education Planet The
K-12 education Web guide has links to help teachers, students and parents
find quality educational resources, Science Sections: Science:
This is only a fraction of the subjects available. TEACHERS!!! This is a must
site for you.
The complete guide to over 4,800 North American plants and animals, with detailed
descriptions and photographs.
Enchanted Learning.com:
Zoom School is an
on-line elementary school classroom with lessons in geography, biology, language
arts, and early childhood activities.
Endangered Species: US Fish and Wildlife Program
University of California Berkeley:
Museum of Paleontology :
Educational resources on geologic time, diversity of life through time, evolution
and more. They also have catalogues, collections. upcoming events and pages
galore to explore.
GryFinN: (Grid Physics Network)
The Challenge: Data-Intensive Science and Virtual Data: The GriPhyN (Grid
Physics Network) collaboration is a team of experimental physicists and information
technology (IT) researchers who plan to implement the first Petabyte-scale
computational environments for data intensive science in the 21st century.
HotAIR: -
Rare and well-done tidbits from the Annals of Improbable Research: The Annals
of Improbable Research (AIR) is the humor magazine of science, medicine,
and technology. AIR is known for (a) funny genuine science; (b) deadpan
satire; and (c) the Ig Nobel Prizes. Many scientists, doctors, and engineers
tell us that AIR is the only journal
Biology Pages: “Although
some of this information has been drawn from the sixth edition of the author's
text Biology published in 1994 by Wm. C. Brown, every effort has been
made to adapt the material to the opportunities provided by an online text:”
Kingdoms Project:
The Kingdoms Project's Natural Sciences Databases will be organized into various
directories. Two major types of these directories exist, the kingdom-based
directories and other types of directories. This is a collaboration of the
Illinois State Academy of Science, the
Illinois State Museum, and the
Weizmann Institute of Science.
Life, The Universe and Everything site.Life, the Universe, and Everything is changing -to....BiologyBase! Covering the world!'
Scientist Network:
"Welcome to the laboratory
that never sleeps! MadSci Network represents a collective cranium of scientists
providing answers to your questions. For good measure we provide a variety
of oddities and other ends as well."
and Mollusc:
![]() More Internet Resource Pages dealing with science (You are now on the main science page) |
![]() |
Marine Biological Institute:
The oldest private marine laboratory in the western hemisphere, the Marine
Biological Laboratory was founded in 1888 as an independent institution for
teaching and research.
Marine Biology WEB
MBWEB is an educational
resource for marine biology students with reference lists organized
by subject. Many other links are here including links to marine
stations, tide information,
and lots more!
Marine:Learn About Marine Life: This site offers basic information on a variety of marine creatures, and plants. There are also accompanying photos.
Life Information Network (MarLIN)
The organization that sponsors
this website created it to be "the most comprehensive and easily used
source of information about marine habitats, communities and species around
Britain and Ireland." There are information and photos available for
many different species of marine life. The site is designed to "provide
a structure for linking available data on marine life around Britain and Ireland."
Marine; The
Ocean of Know:
"Our World Wide Web site is an on-line biology lab and lesson plan, where
tele-students can read about a topic and then participate in scientific experiments.
Tele-students can also dial into Mote Marine Laboratories in Florida, for
a live ISDN video link. "
Marine Picture Book:by Boris Masis: Welcome to the Online Marine Picture Book! "This picture book will teach you about Rocky Shore Plants and Animals particularly in the intertidal zone..."
Mars Global Surveyor Mars Orbiter Camera Image Gallery: Contains more than 57,500 Images! Welcome to the Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Image Gallery! This site contains the pictures of Mars acquired by NASA's Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) orbiter through February 2000.
Microsoft Terraserver: Get Free Satellite Imagery Of Virtually Any Locality
The Monterey Bay Aquarium
home page:
NASA: All sorts of interesting facts about space travel, and you can sign up for an "updates" newsletter that tells you what is going on behind the scenes in man's exploration of space. This site is great for all ages!
National Audubon Society(NAS):
Kids and Education Page The mission
of the National Audubon Society is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems,
focusing on birds and other wildlife for the benefit of humanity and the earth's
biological diversity. Founded in 1905, the National Audubon Society is named
for John James Audubon (1785-1851),
famed ornithologist, explorer, and wildlife artist.
RandomHouse NAS Guides
National Center for Biotechnology Information: Established in 1988 as a national resource for molecular biology information, NCBI creates public databases, conducts research in computational biology, develops software tools for analyzing genome data, and disseminates biomedical information - all for the better understanding of molecular processes affecting human health and disease.
National Geographic.com Home Page
Natural Perspective: “This site is dedicated to the beauty and science of nature and to the joys nature brings to those who explore it. The joy of seeing "familiar faces" everywhere; the invigoration a nature walk brings to both body and soul; the beauty and diversity of our Earthly co-habitants; and the pleasure of eating something found along the way.”
Nature International Weekly Journal of Science and now with a daily science and nature online update
Nature Serve:
an online encyclopedia of life: a source for authoritative conservation information
on more than 50,000 plants, animals, and ecological communities of the United
States and Canada. NatureServe provides in-depth information on rare and endangered
species, but includes common plants and animals too. NatureServe is a product
of the Association for Biodiversity Information in collaboration
with the Natural Heritage Network.
Search Name
Criteria - All Species, Species - Informal Names
New Scientist.com:
Enjoy this weekly science and technology news. They also have a searchable
data base and an online subscription to their magazine. Be sure to check out
their various pages; such as:
Ocean Animals:
Reference information about a host of sea creatures including killer whales,
eagle rays, common puffins, harbour porpoises, coral reef animals, and estuary
and coastal water animals. An illustration of each animal is accompanied by
details of their class, order, size, family, scientific name, range, diet,
conservation status, and habitat. General facts about sea turtles and invertebrates
such as sponges, molluscs, echinoderms, and cnidarians are also offered.
Author: Evergreen Project
Packed with information this site originates in Canada and is a good resource
for anyone with an interest in the marine world. News, Ecology, Student Resources,
Careers, Ask a Scientist, Explore the World of Underwater Sound, and many
more fascinating areas to explore on this GREAT SITE!
PaleoMap Project:
Christopher R. Scotese: "The goal of the PALEOMAP Project is to illustrate
the plate tectonic development of the ocean basins and continents, as well
as the changing distribution of land and sea during the past 1100 million
Some GREAT animations and teaching aids here.
Rain Forests:
The Living Rain Forest:"The Living Rainforest is a visitor centre in Berkshire, UK with a tract of rainforest under glass. Visitors can see free-flying birds and butterflies, as well as a crocodile, monkeys and much more. Our website contains information about plants, animals and peoples of the tropical rainforests."
The Saturday Scientist: Read articles such as:
Scientific American: Science News Magazine: Article Search Page
World Animal Information Database:
Sea World /Busch Gardens:
See the wondrous world of marine animals when you go sightswimming at Sea
World online. Animal resources, educational programs, lesson plans for teachers
and marine career information can all be found here. You can even take a field
trip without ever leaving home! The sights and sounds are definitely worth
a visit!
Studyweb: Marine Biology:
Set of annotated links to research papers, course materials and other educational
resources relevant to marine biology, including whales, dolphins, fish and
sharks, coral reefs, crustaceans, molluscs and echinoderms and shore life.
"ThinkQuest is a global network
of students, teachers, parents and technologists dedicated to exploring youth-centered
learning on the Net. "
The Tide Pool Page: "The systems created where the land meets the sea are some of the most beautiful and diverse on our planet. Tide pools are one such community, created where rocky shores are covered and uncovered daily by the ocean. Organisms that have made this area their home must be well adapted to adjust to the drastic changes in environment that come with the changing of tides each day. This web page is devoted to the type of tide pool found in the Pacific Northwest, specifically of the Oregon coast."
The Tree of Life Home Page: A multi-authored, distributed Internet project containing information about phylogeny and biodiversity: David R. Maddison, University of Arizona; Coordinator and Editor
Try Science.org:
TryScience.org is your gateway to experience the excitement of contemporary
science and technology through on and offline interactivity with science and
technology centers worldwide. Science is exciting, and it's for everyone!
That's why TryScience and over 400 science centers worldwide invite you to
investigate, discover, and try science yourself.
UCMP Web Lift to Taxa
or Older version of Web lift:
UCMP Berkeley:
US Geologic Survey: Science
for a changing world: A Tapestry of Time and Terrain: The Union of Two Maps
- Geology and Topography
The Virtual Silurian Reef : A distance-learning project of the MILWAUKEE PUBLIC MUSEUM,: "During the Silurian Period in earth history, 425 million years ago, when much of North America was covered by a shallow, tropical sea, reefs flourished in the area now occupied by Wisconsin and Illinois. This site uses these reefs as a vehicle for students to learn general principles, local details, and environmental significance of the study of the ancient past..."
World: includes
current eruptions, world volcano listings by region, and images.
Welcome to the Sequence Monkey Home Page!
FREE downloadable software
You are tired of the tedious chore of compiling individual DNA or
amino acid sequences into formats appropriate for PAUP, MacClade, MacVector,
or Clustal.
You are looking for a faster interface for conversion among multi-sequence
alignment formats?
You are fed-up with too-inflexible software applications that crash with
the slightest misstep?
You are looking for Sequence Monkey!
Welcome to the Earth Life Web:
A Great online
type encyclopedia
"The Earth Life Web is a web site dedicated to supplying you with all
the information you want about life on this planet. In short it is an encyclopedia
of life on earth.
It is now, and perhaps will always be, 'under construction'. There is a lot
of life on planet earth so it will take some time to get it all written, just
typing out the names of all the species would take me over 10 years. I have
no intention of trying to do that, but even so there is a lot to write, so
please be patient. ".
Windows to the Universe:
Welcome to Windows to the Universe! Our purpose is to develop a fun
and different Web site about the Earth and Space sciences. Windows to the
Universe is graphics intensive!
Articles of Interest:
Educational Standards Keyword Search: "The purpose of this form is to allow educators to search Windows to the Universe pages that contain content relevant to Michigan Essential Goals and Objectives for Science and Education (MEGOSE) or National Science Education Standards."
page was last completely edited
September 04, 2002
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